Sunday, October 30, 2011

No Unity in the Lockout, and Perhaps in Other Topics.

Well, The Lockout is going nowhere. Commissioner Stern postpones the season yet again, this time to the end of November. There still hasn't been consensus.

Branching off from that, unity is beneficial, especially in governing a society. Even more so, cohesion, or logically consistent, allows governance to be supported by the public.

David Brooks writes about his conference involving talk of Israel's situation, and how it relates to the Obama Administration


-Appearances of high stature and loftiness mean nothing when it comes to governing a society. Having only high hopes without action can produce unfortunate occurrences, such as the financial crisis, or Israel's turmoil.

-Identity of enduring hardships and continuing similar to the Civil Rights Movement is fading. What's the new identity in the 2012 Campaign. Brooks suggests that the government watches "Cinderella Man" to understand pushing through and persevering through hardships.

-Incongruity between values and political actions and situations can create a rift between the government and the public. This adds more insult to injury to societies. It creates different systems, which disrupts the overall identity of a society. No cohesion or unity.

1 comment:

  1. Michael:
    Is your research focusing on one issue--the lockout? the second looks like it may be more about politics, yes?

    And your own view...posted yet?

    Mr. Heller
