Monday, October 24, 2011

Announcements from the Big Man

Let's talk once again about decisions a leader makes, especially pertaining to the U.S. Government and President Obama.

According to the president's announcement, the Iraq War may be ended officially, ending years of fighting against Iraq.

-There is concern about Iran and Iraq, and the ability of the forces trained by the Americans. The only reason for Americans to stay there was to prepare the military for levels of violence.

-Lots of disputes within the political system about the decision of pulling troops out. The question is if Obama was unable to negotiate with the Iraqi Government and had to order the troops back, or a miscalculation of political action occurred.

-The notion of nationalism comes to play. The Iraqi government is negotiating whether to keep the American presence in Iraq existing. There are ideas of sending Iraqi trainees to other countries in the Middle East to be trained by American Troops. Still, there still lies the hope that Iraq will be a strong democratic nation that will be a partner to the U.S. in the Middle East.

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