Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 Weeks Cancelled? On Going Disputes Everywhere

NBA News indicate that two weeks of the regular season is cancelled, so not a whole bunch of progress on this so-called lockout. It's still all about labor disputes. Commissioner David Stern and other officials are still in the process of negotiation

In the meantime, let's talk about contemporary matters involving leaders themselves.



-Believes that leaders should embody the Steve Jobs ideal of leaders being innovative and ready for action, rather than viewing the polls and idling. It is necessary to be pushed out of the comfort zone in order to create action, and in the process, inspire others to fix any problems in society.

-Despite all the tax-cuts, bailouts, American leaders should "invent" their way to prosperity. It is better to use innovation to make the way to success. By creating an innovative path to solving disputes, the general public would feel inspired to also have their part in fixing the problems that plague society, whether they are economic or political.

-Due to the recession, the comfort zone of creating plans to solve economic, political or social problems can be intimidating. However, like Steve Jobs and other innovators, they should address the problems, AND create a plan of action. The innovators had "no word of a recession, foreign complications, etc" They just went out and created. Audacity and Innovation together produces prosperity, and through reinvigorating of the economic plan, more and more people will join and help.

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