Sunday, October 16, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Different sides are arguing within the NBA. Now, the players are called to action, trying to solve the problem, which relates to the Steve Jobs post before.

The official authority has the responsibility of making decisions. He is judged by his actions affecting the public and himself.

A Controversial topic is how leaders rule the public. Let's read an editorial about Obama's humanitarian policy in Africa.

-Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army in Central Africa, terrorizing the people. Obama dispatches 100 American soldiers to assist the public. Believes that Kony is well deserving of attention by Obama for humanitarian action

-American troops committed to helping the Africans. Situations like the eliminations of Osama Bin Ladin and Anwar al-Awlaki involved small forces achieving important results. Leaderless groups crumble, and the LRA will prove no different

-Troops deployed to Africa proves to be a small investment for America, but war costs can result in large dividends of payment for the population because of Obama's humanitarian decision. Interestingly, America is the only nation to have an interest in assisting saving children from the predatory LRA. Creates Reputation, but also Consequence

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