Sunday, January 8, 2012

Column Synthesis - Third Six Weeks

From all four columns from Adrian Wojnarowski, the prevalent theme is the officials' dominance in the NBA.
The intensity of the commissioners' rule started off with the resolution of the NBA lockout. From that, subsequent trades being cancelled, and players not being able to get trade requests created an association with even tighter control.

Wojnarowski's columns and how they highlight the disparity of power between the players and officials and the pressure the players feel based on their decisions shows that the columnist views society as oppressive and that the officials have the final say in decisions. The best interests, even Dwight Howard's, are neglected by the officials. However, Wojanarowski shows that the ones being controlled won't stop until they have their request met.

1 comment:

  1. Mike:
    In analyzing Wojnarowski's columns, look also at features of his rhetoric. Sports writers, in general, have particular tendencies, and it would be worthwhile to see if Wojnarowski's columns follow this.

